Vicious or Virtuous? Choose Your Circle!
We’ve all heard of the “vicious circle:” a small bad choice creates a bad situation, which puts us in the position to make more bad choices…and down we spiral. Each bad action reinforces the last bad action.
But have you heard of the virtuous circle? It starts with one small, daily change. That change creates a positive result that over time leads to more positive change.
Think of the parable of the grain of wheat and the chessboard. Start with a single grain, and double the amount for each square on the board: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc. The last square will contain 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 grains of wheat, or the amount of wheat produced worldwide over the course of 1,553 years.
Reversing a vicious circle starts with a single grain of wheat. Positive actions reinforce positive changes, setting the stage for a virtuous circle!