Bodymind March Float Notes
The best time to start was yesterday. The next best time is now.
Vicious or Virtuous? Choose Your Circle!
We’ve all heard of the “vicious circle:” a small bad choice creates a bad situation, which puts us in the position to make more bad choices…and down we spiral. Each bad action reinforces the last bad action.
But have you heard of the virtuous circle? It starts with one small, daily change. That change creates a positive result that over time leads to more positive change.
Think of the parable of the grain of wheat and the chessboard. Start with a single grain, and double the amount for each square on the board: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc. The last square will contain 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 grains of wheat, or the amount of wheat produced worldwide over the course of 1,553 years.
Reversing a vicious circle starts with a single grain of wheat. Positive actions reinforce positive changes, setting the stage for a virtuous circle!
Small Change.
Big Difference.
What are your current challenges? Health? Eating habits? Relationships? Work?
What are your goals? Exercise? Meditation? Money management? Nutrition?
Look friend, you didn’t get into the situation you’re in overnight. Rather, over the course of years, you became comfortable with each small move in a negative direction. A few bad decisions—repeated every year, every week, every day—have gradually made you more or less okay with the consequences of those decisions.
Now the problem is a BIG HARD PROBLEM! Yowzah! A mountain! It’s easy to become discouraged when faced with a mountain! So, the motivation to make a change never comes. There’s never a right time. We never feel like doing the hard thing….
But here’s the twist: Action Creates Motivation.
By doing the “hard thing”—making that one “small change”—our mind and body reward us immediately. We’ve accomplished something! We’re proud! We’re actually doing it!
Humans thrive on reinforcement: salty snacks, alcohol, chocolate…even work! These things reward us, and we come back time and time again for those rewards.
The reward inspires us to do that one hard thing over and over. And, like the grain of wheat, the smallest change compounded over time creates a big result. It’s a virtuous cycle! Here’s the formula:
Do the small thing, even though you don’t feel like it
Repeat that daily
= Hard change accomplished
Today, use a tiny spark of energy to make one small change and let the virtuous cycle start working for you!
You’re a dedicated reader of the Float Notes newsletter. You’ve got the scoop.
You’re hip to the scene.
So here’s some big news from the man behind the curtain:
“Bodymind Float Center Syracuse” will soon be renamed…
Tune into our social media for the reveal on March 20th!
Same great services. Same great people. New name.
And if you’ve been through the shop recently then you’ve seen the reception area is back! Tea! Coffee table! Cushy chairs! It’s like a vacation in your own backyard. We hope to see you soon!
Friday Deep Relaxation Group with Safe Space!
The March “Deep Relaxation Group” with Safe Space will be on Friday, March 15!
The Deets…
Cost: Free, donation-based
Time: 6pm
Location: Bodymind Salt Room
How do I book?
Note that space is limited. If you missed out last month, don't let this opportunity slip away again!
Hosted in collaboration with Safe Space Organization & @agraff.mindfulhealthcoach, this event promises a profound sense of relaxation and well-being. 🌿
Hope Floats!
We’re proud of the health benefits that float-research has revealed, but we also think it’s important that the medical profession take the next step.
What would that look like? We envision a time when doctors and medical professionals can actually prescribe floating for anxiety and specific bodily pains!
To this end, your very own Bodymind Float Center Syracuse is participating in a fundraising drive for The Float Research Collective.
To participate, follow the link below or click the image!
Clickable Link 🔗 of the QR code above
(because pointing your phone at its screen is a curious endeavor)
Meet the Staff!
Saturdays…the best day for a float? Maybe, because that’s the day you’re most likely to meet Mary!
Professionally, Mary loves working with the older population making every day a better day.
But when we at the Float Notes newsdesk asked Mary what she liked to do when not working, her reply was all about fitness!
And guess what? She just signed up for her first triathlon!
Running, biking, swimming, working out and “punching things” (a direct quote, I think she means boxing?) are some of the activities Mary likes to do when she’s not helping you have a great float!
Glenn Runyan - Owner and Manager
Jake - Asst. Manager
STAFF FLOTATIONISTS: Colin, Dan, Lisa, Lori, and Mary!
Concept & Design: Dan S., Float Services Cast Member (